3 Best Inflation-Proof Stocks to Help Profit During Inflation

Photo by Ishant Mishra on Unsplash

These stocks will keep you afloat.

It’s confirmed: Inflation is the highest it’s been in 39 years. While that kind of inflation can kill the worth of $1, it has excellent potential to increase the value of stocks, especially if you know where to invest.

Some of these inflation-beating stocks have the potential to increase in double-digits as there’s plenty of value for the right kind of investor.

Royal Gold

While gold has become divisive among investors, it is undeniably one of the most stable stocks, providing a hedge against inflation. Currently down only -$0.04, Royal Gold, a pure-play gold stock, could, in theory, increase as the dollar weakens and desire for gold increases, making this the perfect addition to an inflation-proof portfolio.

Intrepid Potash

Intrepid Potash is down -4.7%. The company provides essential mineral salts and water for agriculture and the oil and gas industry. Given that most Intrepid Potash’s clients are domestic, higher inflation means higher cost for raw materials, meaning Potash’s income is likely to increase regardless of what happens in other countries. Although the stock price has fallen since October, the stock price has had significant growth since a low in March of 2020.


Touted as one of the most promising fin-tech stocks, Square, a tech company providing products and services – like CashApp – for e-commerce companies and retailers, has had its stock treble since March 2020, based on bullish valuations. Currently down -5.88%, the company carries some volatility risk but also a tremendous amount of potential.

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