Will Julian Assange Be Extradited?

Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash

Without free press, there is only manipulation. However the US authorities are adamant on getting Julian Assange to face trial in the US for his so called ‘crimes’. Assange has been under trial in the UK for some time now. He is most known for WikiLeaks which is a private organization that leaked many documents and secrets from the Iraq and Afghanistan war. You would think that a person who highlighted the atrocities and injustice being happening in the world would be hailed as a hero however that is not the case. He was labelled an enemy of the state for leaking espionage related documents which clearly showed that there were certain actions being taken by the US army in war stricken countries that could be counted as War Crimes. The US government on the other hand consider it espionage. 

After a recent court ruling in the case of Julian Assange, it has become quite apparent that an extradition to the US is on the tables. Julian Assange may be extradited to the US where he will have to face jail time and according to the severity of his actions in the eyes of the American Justice system, he will be incarcerated for a long time. 

A lot of people all over the world have come out in his support even Amnesty International has labeled this a travesty to justice. We’ll just have to wait and see if Assange gets extradited or will justice prevail.

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