What is the Best Way to Cope with Stress?

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Don’t let stress consume your life.

Stressors are everywhere. At home, on the road, at work, and online. Every day you could be triggered a dozen times and not even realize it because of how common stressors have become. This inescapable tension increases cortisol levels which, in turn, places you at risk of developing insomnia, heart disease, cognitive impairment, digestive issues, and depression. 

To prevent the need for chronic medication later in life and a lower quality of life at that time, manage your stress. You can do this by increasing your physical activity, eating healthy, and taking plenty of breaks to recuperate. Also, try to eliminate your triggers and instead surround yourself with supportive people. It’s also important to focus on your sleep. Even if you say you don’t need sleep, don’t listen to ‘yourself,’ that’s the caffeine talking. Every adult needs more than six hours an evening to ensure they remain at optimal performance and help their body self-heal.

Then, once you have completed those steps, focus on maintaining your new stress-free disposition. Remove unnecessary relationships and activities that only add stress, reduce your alcohol and nicotine consumption, finally build valuable connections. Studies have shown that dopamine increases when you’re in the company of people you love having experiences that you enjoy.

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