Anxiety can be overwhelming.
If you’re one of the 40 million Americans dealing with an anxiety disorder, you know how draining the condition can be. However, you can relieve the effects by implementing some of the tips outlined below.
They say laughter is the best medicine in this case, ‘they’ are right. Laughing improves oxygen intake and circulation while stimulating organs. Laughing also soothes tension. If you can’t muster a genuine laugh, fake it till you make it.
Take Time Out
When anxiety becomes debilitating, take a break. Remove yourself from the situation for some time until you can feel you’ve calmed down. If you are having consecutive anxiety attacks, prioritize taking a few days off work to focus on your health.
Breathing –– not hyperventilating – is beneficial for relaxing muscles and reducing tension. You could also try stretching while breathing to reduce the sensation of feeling overwhelmed.
Get to Know What Triggers You
Knowing what triggers can help you develop a strategy that could entail avoiding your stressors or learning to manage your triggers.
Put Things into Perspective
When your brain is freaking out, it can be challenging to tell it to calm down. However, if your triggers are small, common occurrences reciting the logical ramifications can be helpful.
These tips to deal with anxiety are by no means a cure, but they make dealing with the condition less debilitating in your daily life.